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Capital Gain Tax on Investment Property

by real on February 26, 2020
Capital Gain Tax on Investment Property

You may hear about capital gain tax over and over or your accountant my advice you that you need to pay capital gain tax on your investment property. We will talk about this briefly in this article.

Canada’s capital gain tax was introduced in part to finance the growing costs of social security system and create a more equitable system of taxation, even senior’s need to pay capital gain tax and there is no exemption. Every single person who owned a property for more than three years, any gain arising from such sale will be considered as long term capital gain, current long term capital gain tax rate is 20% and it is calculated as the difference between net sales consideration and indexed cost of property. The chart below shows an example of long term calculation capital tax:

Sales price of house——————————————————————5,000,000

(Less)Transfer expenses (brokerage & commission) ————————25,000

Net sales——————————————————————————–4,975,000

(Less) acquisition cost of the house———————————————–4,141,304

(Less) house improvement cost —————————————————254,000

Gross long term capital gain——————————————————–579,696

Short term capital gain on property is considered as a gain from selling a property which was held by you for less than 2 years. Here is an example to show the calculation:

Sales price of house——————————————————————5,000,000

(Less)Transfer expenses (brokerage & commission) ————————25,000

Net sales——————————————————————————–4, 97 5,000

(less) purchase price of the house————————————————3,000,000

(less) house improvement———————————————————200,000

Gross short term capital gain—————————————————–1,775,000

Nest short term ———————————————————————-1,775,000

Short term capital gain————————————————————532,500

As of 2019, the capital gain rate is 50%, however there are some ways to reduce the capital gain tax, we shortly mention here and we describe each in following articles.

  • Donate assets to registered charity or even well-known private foundation
  • Chose the right time to sell your investment property.
  • People who own small business, fishing property or farm can use the life time Capital gain exemption(LCGE)
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