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10 Top Questions You Need to Ask Before You Buy Your Home

by real on February 26, 2020
10 Top Questions You Need to Ask Before You Buy Your Home

Here is some top question you may need to ask before you are jumping in with 2 feet, by asking these questions and analyzing the answers you are able to get a better decision for your future home.

  • 1-How is the Windows Condition?

    Windows are costly and it may cost you something between $!0,000 to $15,000, you may consider the space, light or basement. But don’t ignore the windows, they need to be in perfect condition to save the energy and be safe enough.

  • 2- What is position and quality of the trees around the house?

    Can these trees fall on your house? Do any of these trees rotted? Do any of them need to be cut or are these trees blocking the suns ? be aware of here trees are in relation to the house want to buy and keep it in your mind that if you want to remove a tree, the cost is usually anywhere from $400 to $1500.

  • 3-Do you see any sign of pests?

    Look inside cabinets and places where pests like to hide. If you see ant pests sign you need to think about pest control plan.

  • 4- Are there sidewalks in the neighborhood?

    Mostly old homes don’t have sidewalks and in winter you don’t have clean the snow, it is safer for kids to have sidewalks. But you need to know you are responsible for your sidewalk in all seasons.

  • 5- Is the house too-out dated?

    There is no perfect house except the one you build and customize based on your own needs but if the house is too outdated and you decide to buy it there is a long-time process for you to upgrade.

  • 6- Does the house have any weird smell?

    When you walk in the house it should smell well like nothing, some smells like nature, but it shouldn’t be any odors that try to make the house smell good. It there is any odor it might be mold and it can be costly problem to fix.

  • 7- Does the ground angle away from the property?

    It is very important to know where does the water flow around the house? Grading is probably one of the few things people check when they looking to buy a house. If the grading is poor, it allows water and rain to sit at the home’s foundation and it may cause lots of damages.

  • 8- What do the cars in the neighborhood look like?

    It may look unethical, if you see broke-down cars, expect to find a broke-down neighborhood. Cars don’t need to be expensive, but it shows how neighbors care about their environment they live in.

  • 10- How much does the utility cost for that specific area and property?

    Your usage will be different, depending on family size and your needs, however it is always good to ask owner to show you the couple of utility bill. Yu don’t want to surprise by seeing the first utility bill.

By having answers to all these questions, you will secure your self and hopefully you can make your best decision for one of the biggest investments in your life.

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