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House Moving Tips

by real on February 26, 2020
House Moving Tips

There are a lot of moving tip that make the moving easier than before. Having a checklist will help you to make sure everything is in order before, during and after the move.

Here are some tips to help you avoid moving day chaos:

  • Pack as far in advance as possible:

    Pack as far in advance as possible before the moving date, the last days and week will be very stressful, so in those days you do not need to worry about any packing.

  • Book the elevator ASAP:

    IF you are hiring moving services or living in condo, please book the moving services as early as possible or book the elevator for moving as early as possible.

  • Pick the right transportation:

    If you are moving the short distance, it is OK to do in some round trips. However, for long distance, it is better to use a truck that fits everything and only have one trip to your new location. BY doing this you are saving your time, gas and energy.

  • Label everything:

    By labeling everything it will be easy for you to find everything easily and put all boxes in their related areas. For example, you will put all kitchen boxes in kitchen area.

  • Label everything:

    By labeling everything it will be easy for you to find everything easily and put all boxes in their related areas. For example, you will put all kitchen boxes in kitchen area.

  • Protect your valuable things:

    Use some sort of protection for your valuable things and label the, so everybody knows they are fragile and important.

  • Consider hiring a pet sitter:

    If you have a pet, it is highly recommended to find a pet sitter for moving date.

  • Schedule your utilities for new place:

    You are required to open an account for your utilities on new location and close your accounts for the old address. Please do this beforehand.

There are a lot of moving tip that make the moving easier than before. Having a checklist will help you to make sure everything is in order before, during and after the move. Please note not all moving tips will apply to your moving and might not ease the process, since every person has specific needs and concerns.

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